 "cells": [
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 16,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": [
    "using LinearAlgebra\n",
    "using Plots\n",
    "import JSON"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 17,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
       "points (generic function with 1 method)"
     "execution_count": 17,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
    "function points(element, properties)\n",
    "    elements = properties[\"elements\"]\n",
    "    nodes = properties[\"nodes\"]\n",
    "    degrees_of_freedom = properties[\"degrees_of_freedom\"]\n",
    "    \n",
    "\t# find the nodes that the lements connects\n",
    "\tfromNode = elements[element][1]\n",
    "\ttoNode = elements[element][2]\n",
    "\t# the coordinates for each node\n",
    "\tfromPoint = nodes[fromNode]\n",
    "\ttoPoint = nodes[toNode]\n",
    "\t# find the degrees of freedom for each node\n",
    "\tdofs = degrees_of_freedom[fromNode]\n",
    "    dofs=vcat(dofs,degrees_of_freedom[toNode])\n",
    "\treturn fromPoint, toPoint, dofs\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 18,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
       "rotation_matrix (generic function with 1 method)"
     "execution_count": 18,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
    "function direction_cosine(vec1, vec2)\n",
    "    return dot(vec1,vec2) / (norm(vec1) * norm(vec2))\n",
    "function rotation_matrix(element_vector, x_axis, y_axis,z_axis)\n",
    "    # find the direction cosines\n",
    "\tx_proj = direction_cosine(element_vector, x_axis)\n",
    "\ty_proj = direction_cosine(element_vector, y_axis)\n",
    "    z_proj = direction_cosine(element_vector, z_axis);\n",
    "\treturn [[x_proj y_proj z_proj 0 0 0];[0 0 0 x_proj y_proj z_proj]]\n",
    "function rotation_matrix(element_vector, x_axis, y_axis,z_axis)\n",
    "    # find the direction cosines\n",
    "    L=norm(element_vector)\n",
    "    l = (element_vector[1])/L\n",
    "\tm = (element_vector[2])/L\n",
    "\tn = (element_vector[3])/L\n",
    "\tD = ( l^2+ m^2+n^2)^0.5\n",
    "    \n",
    "    transMatrix=[[l m  n  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0];[-m/D l/D  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0];[ -l*n/D  -m*n/D  D  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0];[ 0  0  0       l       m  n  0  0  0  0  0  0];[ 0  0  0    -m/D     l/D  0  0  0  0  0  0  0];[ 0  0  0  -l*n/D  -m*n/D  D  0  0  0  0  0  0];[ 0  0  0  0  0  0       l       m  n  0  0  0];[ 0  0  0  0  0  0    -m/D     l/D  0  0  0  0];[ 0  0  0  0  0  0  -l*n/D  -m*n/D  D  0  0  0];[ 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0       l       m  n];[ 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0    -m/D     l/D  0];[ 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  -l*n/D  -m*n/D  D]]\n",
    "    return transMatrix\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 19,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
       "get_stresses1 (generic function with 1 method)"
     "execution_count": 19,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
    "function get_matrices1(setup)\n",
    "    # cosntruct the global mass and stifness matrices\n",
    "    ndofs      = setup[\"ndofs\"]\n",
    "    nodes      = setup[\"nodes\"]\n",
    "    edges      = setup[\"edges\"]\n",
    "    x_axis     = [1 0 0]\n",
    "    y_axis     = [0 1 0]\n",
    "    z_axis     = [0 0 1]\n",
    "    \n",
    "    M = zeros((ndofs,ndofs))\n",
    "    K = zeros((ndofs,ndofs))\n",
    "    \n",
    "    for edge in edges\n",
    "        #degrees_of_freedom = properties[\"degrees_of_freedom\"]\n",
    "        element=parse(Int,edge[\"id\"][2:end])\n",
    "        # find the nodes that the lements connects\n",
    "        fromNode = nodes[edge[\"source\"]+1]\n",
    "        toNode = nodes[edge[\"target\"]+1]\n",
    "        # the coordinates for each node\n",
    "        fromPoint = [fromNode[\"position\"][\"x\"] fromNode[\"position\"][\"y\"] fromNode[\"position\"][\"z\"]]\n",
    "        toPoint = [toNode[\"position\"][\"x\"] toNode[\"position\"][\"y\"] toNode[\"position\"][\"z\"]]\n",
    "        # find the degrees of freedom for each node\n",
    "        dofs = convert(Array{Int}, fromNode[\"degrees_of_freedom\"])\n",
    "        dofs=vcat(dofs,convert(Array{Int}, toNode[\"degrees_of_freedom\"]))\n",
    "        element_vector=toPoint-fromPoint\n",
    "        # find element mass and stifness matrices\n",
    "        length   = norm(element_vector)\n",
    "        rho      = edge[\"density\"]\n",
    "        area     = edge[\"area\"]\n",
    "        E        = edge[\"stiffness\"]# youngs modulus\n",
    "        Cm = rho * area * length /6.0\n",
    "        Ck= E * area / length \n",
    "        m = [[2 1];[1 2]]\n",
    "        k = [[1 -1];[-1 1]]\n",
    "        # find rotated mass and stifness matrices\n",
    "        tau = rotation_matrix(element_vector, x_axis,y_axis,z_axis)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        m_r=transpose(tau)*m*tau\n",
    "        k_r=transpose(tau)*k*tau\n",
    "    \n",
    "    \n",
    "        # change from element to global coordinate\n",
    "        index= dofs.+1\n",
    "        B=zeros((6,ndofs))\n",
    "        for i in 1:6\n",
    "              B[i,index[i]]=1.0\n",
    "        end\n",
    "        \n",
    "        \n",
    "        \n",
    "        M_rG= transpose(B)*m_r*B\n",
    "        K_rG= transpose(B)*k_r*B\n",
    "        \n",
    "        M += Cm .* M_rG\n",
    "        K += Ck .* K_rG\n",
    "        \n",
    "    end\n",
    "    # construct the force vector\n",
    "    F=zeros(ndofs)\n",
    "    remove_indices=[];\n",
    "    for node in nodes\n",
    "        #insert!(F,i, value);\n",
    "        #F=vcat(F,value)\n",
    "        i=parse(Int,node[\"id\"][2:end])+1\n",
    "        F[(i-1)*3+1]=value[1] \n",
    "        F[(i-1)*3+2]=value[2]\n",
    "        F[(i-1)*3+3]=value[3]\n",
    "        dofs = convert(Array{Int}, node[\"degrees_of_freedom\"])+1\n",
    "        restrained_dofs=node[\"restrained_dofs\"]\n",
    "        for (index, value) in enumerate(dofs)\n",
    "            if restrained_dofs[index]\n",
    "                append!( remove_indices, value)\n",
    "            end\n",
    "        end\n",
    "    end\n",
    "    \n",
    "    \n",
    "    # remove the restrained dofs\n",
    "#     remove_indices=setup[\"restrained_dofs\"]\n",
    "    \n",
    "    \n",
    "    # print(M)\n",
    "    # print(K)\n",
    "    # print(F)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    M = M[setdiff(1:end, remove_indices), :]\n",
    "    K = K[setdiff(1:end, remove_indices), :]\n",
    "    M = M[:,setdiff(1:end, remove_indices)]\n",
    "    K = K[:,setdiff(1:end, remove_indices)]\n",
    "    \n",
    "    F = F[setdiff(1:end, remove_indices)]\n",
    "    return M,K,F\n",
    "    \n",
    "function get_stresses1(setup,X)\n",
    "  \n",
    "    elements   = properties[\"elements\"]\n",
    "    \n",
    "    ndofs      = setup[\"ndofs\"]\n",
    "    nodes      = setup[\"nodes\"]\n",
    "    edges      = setup[\"edges\"]\n",
    "    x_axis     = [1 0 0]\n",
    "    y_axis     = [0 1 0]\n",
    "    z_axis     = [0 0 1]\n",
    "    # find the stresses in each member\n",
    "    stresses=zeros(length(edges))\n",
    "    for edge in edges\n",
    "        #degrees_of_freedom = properties[\"degrees_of_freedom\"]\n",
    "        element=parse(Int,edge[\"id\"][2:end])\n",
    "        # find the nodes that the lements connects\n",
    "        fromNode = nodes[edge[\"source\"]+1]\n",
    "        toNode = nodes[edge[\"target\"]+1]\n",
    "        # the coordinates for each node\n",
    "        fromPoint = [fromNode[\"position\"][\"x\"] fromNode[\"position\"][\"y\"] fromNode[\"position\"][\"z\"]]\n",
    "        toPoint = [toNode[\"position\"][\"x\"] toNode[\"position\"][\"y\"] toNode[\"position\"][\"z\"]]\n",
    "        # find the degrees of freedom for each node\n",
    "        dofs = convert(Array{Int}, fromNode[\"degrees_of_freedom\"])\n",
    "        dofs=vcat(dofs,convert(Array{Int}, toNode[\"degrees_of_freedom\"]))\n",
    "        element_vector=toPoint-fromPoint\n",
    "       \n",
    "        # find rotated mass and stifness matrices\n",
    "        tau = rotation_matrix(element_vector, x_axis,y_axis,z_axis)\n",
    "        global_displacements=[X[1] X[2] X[3] X[1] X[2] X[3]] # todo change\n",
    "        # nodal displacement\n",
    "        q=tau*transpose(global_displacements)\n",
    "        # println(q)\n",
    "        # calculate the strain and stresses\n",
    "        strain =(q[2]-q[1])/norm(element_vector)\n",
    "        stress=E[element].*strain\n",
    "        # println(element)\n",
    "        # println(stress)\n",
    "        stresses[element]=stress\n",
    "    end\n",
    "    return stresses\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 20,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
       "get_stresses (generic function with 1 method)"
     "execution_count": 20,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
    "function get_stresses(setup)\n",
    "    nodes      = setup[\"nodes\"]\n",
    "    edges      = setup[\"edges\"]\n",
    "    ndofs      = length(nodes)*6\n",
    "    x_axis     = [1 0 0]\n",
    "    y_axis     = [0 1 0]\n",
    "    z_axis     = [0 0 1]\n",
    "    # find the stresses in each member\n",
    "    stresses=zeros(length(edges))\n",
    "    max11=-10e6\n",
    "    min11=10e6\n",
    "    for edge in edges\n",
    "        #degrees_of_freedom = properties[\"degrees_of_freedom\"]\n",
    "        element=parse(Int,edge[\"id\"][2:end])\n",
    "        # find the nodes that the lements connects\n",
    "        fromNode = nodes[edge[\"source\"]+1]\n",
    "        toNode = nodes[edge[\"target\"]+1]\n",
    "        # the coordinates for each node\n",
    "        fromPoint = [fromNode[\"position\"][\"x\"] fromNode[\"position\"][\"y\"] fromNode[\"position\"][\"z\"]]\n",
    "        toPoint = [toNode[\"position\"][\"x\"] toNode[\"position\"][\"y\"] toNode[\"position\"][\"z\"]]\n",
    "        # find the degrees of freedom for each node\n",
    "        dofs = convert(Array{Int}, fromNode[\"degrees_of_freedom\"])\n",
    "        dofs=vcat(dofs,convert(Array{Int}, toNode[\"degrees_of_freedom\"]))\n",
    "        element_vector=toPoint-fromPoint\n",
    "       \n",
    "        # find rotated mass and stifness matrices\n",
    "        tau = rotation_matrix(element_vector, x_axis,y_axis,z_axis)\n",
    "        \n",
    "        # i1=parse(Int,fromNode[\"id\"][2:end])\n",
    "        # i2=parse(Int,toNode[\"id\"][2:end])\n",
    "        \n",
    "        # global_displacements=[X[(i1)*6+1] X[(i1)*6+2] X[(i1)*6+3] X[(i1)*6+4] X[(i1)*6+5] X[(i1)*6+6] X[(i2)*6+1] X[(i2)*6+2] X[(i2)*6+3] X[(i2)*6+4] X[(i2)*6+5] X[(i2)*6+6]] # todo change\n",
    "        global_displacements=[fromNode[\"displacement\"][\"x\"] fromNode[\"displacement\"][\"y\"] fromNode[\"displacement\"][\"z\"] fromNode[\"angle\"][\"x\"] fromNode[\"angle\"][\"y\"] fromNode[\"angle\"][\"z\"] toNode[\"displacement\"][\"x\"] toNode[\"displacement\"][\"y\"] toNode[\"displacement\"][\"z\"] toNode[\"angle\"][\"x\"] toNode[\"angle\"][\"y\"] toNode[\"angle\"][\"z\"]] # todo change\n",
    "        # nodal displacement\n",
    "        q=tau*transpose(global_displacements)\n",
    "        # println(q)\n",
    "        # calculate the strain and stresses\n",
    "        strain =(q[7]-q[1])/norm(element_vector)\n",
    "        E = edge[\"stiffness\"]# youngs modulus\n",
    "        stress=E.*strain\n",
    "        edge[\"stress\"]=stress\n",
    "        if stress>max11\n",
    "            max11=stress\n",
    "        end\n",
    "        if stress<min11\n",
    "            min11=stress\n",
    "        end\n",
    "        # println(element)\n",
    "        # println(stress)\n",
    "    end\n",
    "    \n",
    "    \n",
    "    setup[\"viz\"][\"minStress\"]=min11\n",
    "    setup[\"viz\"][\"maxStress\"]=max11\n",
    "    return stresses\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 22,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
       "Dict{String,Any} with 8 entries:\n",
       "  \"nodes\"        => Any[Dict{String,Any}(\"degrees_of_freedom\"=>Any[0, 1, 2, 3, …\n",
       "  \"voxelSize\"    => 5\n",
       "  \"numTimeSteps\" => 100\n",
       "  \"hierarchical\"   => false\n",
       "  \"animation\"    => Dict{String,Any}(\"speed\"=>3,\"exaggeration\"=>2000,\"showDispla…\n",
       "  \"viz\"          => Dict{String,Any}(\"colorMap\"=>0,\"colorMaps\"=>Any[Any[Any[0, …\n",
       "  \"edges\"        => Any[Dict{String,Any}(\"source\"=>0,\"area\"=>1,\"density\"=>0.028…\n",
       "  \"ndofs\"        => 324"
     "execution_count": 22,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
    "### Read data #####\n",
    "latticeSize =2\n",
    "setup = Dict()\n",
    "open(name, \"r\") do f\n",
    "    global setup\n",
    "    dicttxt = String(read(f))  # file information to string\n",
    "    setup=JSON.parse(dicttxt)  # parse and transform data\n",
    "# println(setup[\"viz\"][\"minStress\"])\n",
    "# printls(setup.viz)"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 23,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
       "get_matrices (generic function with 1 method)"
     "execution_count": 23,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
    "function get_matrices(setup)\n",
    "    nodes      = setup[\"nodes\"]\n",
    "    edges      = setup[\"edges\"]\n",
    "    ndofs      = length(nodes)*6\n",
    "    x_axis     = [1 0 0]\n",
    "    y_axis     = [0 1 0]\n",
    "    z_axis     = [0 0 1]\n",
    "    M = zeros((ndofs,ndofs))\n",
    "    K = zeros((ndofs,ndofs))\n",
    "    for edge in edges\n",
    "        #degrees_of_freedom = properties[\"degrees_of_freedom\"]\n",
    "        element=parse(Int,edge[\"id\"][2:end])\n",
    "        # find the nodes that the lements connects\n",
    "        fromNode = nodes[edge[\"source\"]+1]\n",
    "        toNode = nodes[edge[\"target\"]+1]\n",
    "        # the coordinates for each node\n",
    "        fromPoint = [fromNode[\"position\"][\"x\"] fromNode[\"position\"][\"y\"] fromNode[\"position\"][\"z\"]]\n",
    "        toPoint = [toNode[\"position\"][\"x\"] toNode[\"position\"][\"y\"] toNode[\"position\"][\"z\"]]\n",
    "        # find the degrees of freedom for each node\n",
    "        dofs = convert(Array{Int}, fromNode[\"degrees_of_freedom\"])\n",
    "        dofs=vcat(dofs,convert(Array{Int}, toNode[\"degrees_of_freedom\"]))\n",
    "        element_vector=toPoint-fromPoint\n",
    "        # find element mass and stifness matrices\n",
    "        length   = norm(element_vector)\n",
    "        rho      = edge[\"density\"]\n",
    "        area     = edge[\"area\"]\n",
    "        E        = edge[\"stiffness\"]# youngs modulus\n",
    "        A = edge[\"area\"]\n",
    "        G=1.0#todo shear_modulus\n",
    "        ixx = 1.0#todo section ixx\n",
    "        iyy = 1.0#todo section.iyy#\n",
    "        l0=length\n",
    "        j=1.0;#todo check\n",
    "        l02 = l0 * l0\n",
    "        l03 = l0 * l0 * l0\n",
    "        # Cm = rho * area * length /6.0\n",
    "        # Ck= E * area / length \n",
    "        # m = [[2 1];[1 2]]\n",
    "        # k = [[1 -1];[-1 1]]\n",
    "        k = [[E*A/l0  0  0  0  0  0  -E*A/l0  0  0  0  0  0];[0  12*E*ixx/l03  0  0  0  6*E*ixx/l02  0  -12*E*ixx/l03  0  0  0  6*E*ixx/l02];[0  0  12*E*iyy/l03  0  -6*E*iyy/l02  0  0  0  -12*E*iyy/l03  0  -6*E*iyy/l02  0];[0  0  0  G*j/l0  0  0  0  0  0  -G*j/l0  0  0];[0  0  -6*E*iyy/l02  0  4*E*iyy/l0  0  0  0  6*E*iyy/l02  0  2*E*iyy/l0  0];[0  6*E*ixx/l02  0  0  0  4*E*ixx/l0  0  -6*E*ixx/l02  0  0  0  2*E*ixx/l0];[-E*A/l0  0  0  0  0  0  E*A/l0  0  0  0  0  0];[0  -12*E*ixx/l03  0  0  0  -6*E*ixx/l02  0  12*E*ixx/l03  0  0  0  -6*E*ixx/l02];[0  0  -12*E*iyy/l03  0  6*E*iyy/l02  0  0  0  12*E*iyy/l03  0  6*E*iyy/l02  0];[0  0  0  -G*j/l0  0  0  0  0  0  G*j/l0  0  0];[0  0  -6*E*iyy/l02  0  2*E*iyy/l0  0  0  0  6*E*iyy/l02  0  4*E*iyy/l0  0];[0  6*E*ixx/l02  0  0  0  2*E*ixx/l0  0  -6*E*ixx/l02  0  0  0  4*E*ixx/l0]]\n",
    "        # find rotated mass and stifness matrices\n",
    "        tau = rotation_matrix(element_vector, x_axis,y_axis,z_axis)\n",
    "        # m_r=transpose(tau)*m*tau\n",
    "        k_r=transpose(tau)*k*tau\n",
    "        # change from element to global coordinate\n",
    "        index= dofs.+1\n",
    "        B=zeros((12,ndofs))\n",
    "        for i in 1:12\n",
    "              B[i,index[i]]=1.0\n",
    "        end\n",
    "        # M_rG= transpose(B)*m_r*B\n",
    "        K_rG= transpose(B)*k_r*B\n",
    "        # M += Cm .* M_rG\n",
    "        # K += Ck .* K_rG\n",
    "        K +=  K_rG\n",
    "    end\n",
    "    # construct the force vector\n",
    "    F=zeros(ndofs)\n",
    "    remove_indices=[];\n",
    "    for node in nodes\n",
    "        #insert!(F,i, value);\n",
    "        #F=vcat(F,value)\n",
    "        i=parse(Int,node[\"id\"][2:end])\n",
    "        f=node[\"force\"]\n",
    "        # println(f)\n",
    "        F[(i)*6+1]=f[\"x\"]\n",
    "        F[(i)*6+2]=f[\"y\"]\n",
    "        F[(i)*6+3]=f[\"z\"]\n",
    "        F[(i)*6+4]=0\n",
    "        F[(i)*6+5]=0\n",
    "        F[(i)*6+6]=0\n",
    "        dofs = convert(Array{Int}, node[\"degrees_of_freedom\"]).+1\n",
    "        restrained_dofs=node[\"restrained_degrees_of_freedom\"]\n",
    "        for (index, value) in enumerate(dofs)\n",
    "            if restrained_dofs[index]\n",
    "                append!( remove_indices, value)\n",
    "            end\n",
    "        end\n",
    "    end\n",
    "#     println(remove_indices)\n",
    "#     print(K)\n",
    "#     print(F)\n",
    "#     M = M[setdiff(1:end, remove_indices), :]\n",
    "    K = K[setdiff(1:end, remove_indices), :]\n",
    "#     M = M[:,setdiff(1:end, remove_indices)]\n",
    "    K = K[:,setdiff(1:end, remove_indices)]\n",
    "    F = F[setdiff(1:end, remove_indices)]\n",
    "    return M,K,F\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 24,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
       "updateDisplacement (generic function with 1 method)"
     "execution_count": 24,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
    "function updateDisplacement(setup, X)\n",
    "    nodes= setup[\"nodes\"]\n",
    "    i=0\n",
    "    for node in nodes\n",
    "        if !node[\"restrained_degrees_of_freedom\"][1]\n",
    "#             #i=parse(Int,node[\"id\"][2:end])\n",
    "            node[\"displacement\"][\"x\"]=X[(i)*6+1]\n",
    "            node[\"displacement\"][\"y\"]=X[(i)*6+2]\n",
    "            node[\"displacement\"][\"z\"]=X[(i)*6+3]\n",
    "            node[\"angle\"][\"x\"]=X[(i)*6+4]\n",
    "            node[\"angle\"][\"y\"]=X[(i)*6+5]\n",
    "            node[\"angle\"][\"z\"]=X[(i)*6+6]\n",
    "            i=i+1\n",
    "        end\n",
    "    end\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 25,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
       "144-element Array{Float64,1}:\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " ⋮  \n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0\n",
       " 0.0"
     "execution_count": 25,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
    "function solveFea(setup)\n",
    "\t// # determine the global matrices\n",
    "    \n",
    "    #println(M)\n",
    "    #println(K)\n",
    "    #println(F)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    #evals=eigvals(K,M)\n",
    "    #evecs=eigvecs(K,M)\n",
    "    #frequencies=sqrt.(evals)\n",
    "    X=inv(K)*F\n",
    "    # println(X)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    \n",
    "    #updateDisplacement(displacements);\n",
    "    updateDisplacement(setup, X)\n",
    "    \n",
    "    # determine the stresses in each element\n",
    "    stresses=get_stresses(setup)\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 26,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
     "execution_count": 26,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
    "# pass data as a json string (how it shall be displayed in a file)\n",
    "stringdata = JSON.json(setup)\n",
    "# write the file with the stringdata variable information\n",
    "open(\"../json/trialJuliaParallelGPU.json\", \"w\") do f\n",
    "        write(f, stringdata)\n",
    "     end"
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 27,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "data": {
      "text/plain": [
     "execution_count": 27,
     "metadata": {},
     "output_type": "execute_result"
   "source": [
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": 13,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [
     "ename": "UndefVarError",
     "evalue": "UndefVarError: val not defined",
     "output_type": "error",
     "traceback": [
      "UndefVarError: val not defined",
      " [1] top-level scope at In[13]:1"
   "source": [
    "# print(\"Pi: {0}, Time: {1}, MFlops: {2}\".format(val, sec, mflops))\n",
    "# print(\"This calculation happened in Javascript\")\n",
   "cell_type": "code",
   "execution_count": null,
   "metadata": {},
   "outputs": [],
   "source": []
 "metadata": {
  "kernelspec": {
   "display_name": "Julia 1.2.0",
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   "name": "julia-1.2"
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   "file_extension": ".jl",
   "mimetype": "application/julia",
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