# Weight Agnostic Neural Networks

Weight Agnostic Networks: network topologies evolved to work with a variety of shared weights. Adapted from the [prettyNEAT](../prettyNEAT) package. 
This repository represents a snapshot of the code used to produce the results in the original [WANN paper](https://weightagnostic.github.io/). The goal was to create minimal rather than general code for clearer understanding. If you are interested in a more extendable and general implementation for your own experiments, we recommend using the [WANN fork](../prettyNEAT_WANN) of the [prettyNEAT](../prettyNEAT) package.

## Dependencies

Core algorithm tested with:

- Python 3.5.3

- NumPy 1.15.2 (`pip install numpy`)

- mpi4py 3.0.1 (`pip install mpi4py`)

- OpenAI Gym 0.9.6 (`pip install gym` -- installation details [here](https://github.com/openai/gym))

Domains tested with:

- Cart-pole Swing-up (included, but requires OpenAI gym)

- Bipedal Walker: Box2d (see OpenAI gym installation)

- Quadruped (Ant) Walker: PyBullet 1.6.3 (`pip install pybullet`)

- MNIST: Mnist utilities 0.2.2 (`pip install mnist`)

- VAE Racer: 
    - Tensorflow 1.8 (`pip install tensorflow==1.8.0`)
    - Pretrained VAE (in [wannRelease](../) -- copy to root to use, e.g: `cp -r ../vae .`)

## Training Weight Agnostic Neural Networks

To get started and see that everything is set up you can test the swing up domain:

python wann_train.py

which is the same as the default hyperparameter:

python wann_train.py -p p/laptop_swing.json -n 8

Where `8` is the number of workers you have on your computer, and `p/laptop_swing.json` contains hyperparameters.

Evaluation of the population is embarrassingly parallel so every extra core you have will really speed things up. Here is an example training curve on cart-pole with a population of 64 on an 8 core laptop:

![alt text](log/wann_run.png)

Where `Fitness` is the mean reward earned over all trials and weight values. `Median Fitness` is the fitness of the median performing member of the population, `Max Fitness` is the fitness of the best performing member of the population, `Top Fitness` is the best performing member ever found. `Peak Fitness` is the mean reward earned by the best performing member with its best performing weight value. To reproduce this graph see this [jupyter notebook](log/viewRunStats.ipynb).

The full list of hyperparameters and their meaning is explained in [hypkey.txt](p/hypkey.txt)

## Testing and Tuning Weight Agnostic Neural Networks

To view or test a WANN:

python wann_test.py -p p/swingup.json -i champions/swing.out --nReps 3 --view True

WANNs are saved as 2D numpy arrays and can be retested, train, and viewed using the [WANNTool](../WANNTool) provided.


## Amira

### General 

To run on windows change line 236 in `wann_train.py` to `subprocess.check_call(["mpiexec","-np", str(n), sys.executable] +['-u']+ sys.argv, env=env)` instead of `subprocess.check_call(["mpirun","-np", str(n), sys.executable] +['-u']+ sys.argv, env=env)`

### Frep 

python wann_train.py -p p/frep.json -n 2

### Rover training

### How to add new training "myName"
1. in `./p` add `myName.json` file and change task name
2. in `./domain` 
    1. add `myName.py`
        1. change class to `myNameEnv`
    2. in `make_env.py`
       1. add else if statement
    3. in `config.py`
       1. add games['myName'] entry and change layer sizes and activation function types

### how to show the results/plot graph