Proposal [link.](
<img src="./img/leg.png" width="50%" /><br></br>
## Simulation
q = [\theta_1 ; \theta_2; x; y]; \\
\dot{q} = [\dot{\theta}_1 ; \dot{\theta}_2; \dot{x}; \dot{y}];
## Control
### simulation/optimization
All torque control with bezier curves
### hardware control
Get Bezier curve path of the leg from simulation/optimization and have an Impedance control (flight stage) and torque control (stance phase)
## Optimization
### Variables
Two Bezier curves for torques:
ctrl_1=[T_1,T_2,..T_n] \\
ctrl_2=[T_1,T_2,..T_n] \\
n=6 \\
ground \ height = -0.164; \\
\theta_1=-36*\pi/180; \\
\dot{\theta}_1=\dot{\theta}_2= 0\\
\dot{x}=\dot{y}= 0\\
x^{end}>=x^{start} \\
q_1^{end}=q_1^{start} \\
q_2^{end}=q_2^{start} \\
y^{end}=y^{start} \\
\dot{q}_1^{end}=\dot{q}_1^{start} \\
\dot{q}_2^{end}=\dot{q}_2^{start} \\
\dot{x}^{end}=\dot{x}^{start} \\
\dot{y}^{end}=\dot{y}^{start} \\
1. First objective: maximize height $`h'`$ to push it to go up, got the max $`x'`$
which is the similar as minimizing sum of torque squared as m, g and d is fixed
## Updates and Results
## November 23
- having trouble finding a gait
- Added starting $`\dot{q_1}^{start}`$,$`\dot{q_2}^{start}`$,$`\dot{x}^{start}`$,$`\dot{y}^{start}`$ to the optimization variables
- added $`q_1^{start}`$ and $`q_2^{start}`$ to the optimization variables
- recently added tf as it changed the dynamics
- Moving to casadi instead of fmincon (maybe the derivatives will help)
- lots has to be changed as it does not support branching statements they have discontinuous derivatives, that affect the two functions `discrete_impact_contact` and `joint_limit_constraint` in `simulate_leg.m`
- first the angle constraints has to be added as constraints
- second the simulation has to be divided into three stages: stance flight and stance again. The tf of each of these stages will be come an optimization variable as well
<img src="./img/24_nov/gait.gif" width="80%" /><br></br>
<img src="./img/24_nov/6.16_cntrl.png" width="40%" />
<img src="./img/24_nov/6.17_cntrl.png" width="40%" /><br></br>
<img src="./img/24_nov/6.1_torques_thetast.png" width="40%" />
<img src="./img/24_nov/6.12_torques_thetast.png" width="40%" /><br></br>
<img src="./img/24_nov/6.1_torques_with_without.png" width="40%" />
<img src="./img/24_nov/6.12_torques_with_without.png" width="40%" /><br></br>
<img src="./img/24_nov/6.1_ks.png" width="40%" />
<img src="./img/24_nov/6.12_ks.png" width="40%" /><br></br>
### November 12: First Hop
<img src="./img/first_hop.gif" width="80%" /><br></br>
<img src="./img/6.1_cntrl.png" width="40%" />
<img src="./img/6.3_cntrl.png" width="40%" /><br></br>
- [x] script to calculate before and after adding spring
- [x] get real physical variables
- [x] angle limits
- [x] masses
- [x] torques limits
- [x] try other starting conditions
- [x] is velocity calculation correct?
- [x] what if it torque not enough
- [x] for the control should $T_1 = T_n$ (cyclical control?)