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parallelFea.js 41.5 KiB
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Amira Abdel-Rahman committed
    var _2xSqMxExS = (2.0*Math.sqrt(node.mass*E*node.nomSize));
    var zetaCollision=0.01;
    return zetaCollision*_2xSqMxExS;
} //!< Returns the global material damping coefficient (translation)
function collisionDampingRotateC(node)  {
	var zetaCollision=1.0;
    var _momentInertia = (node.mass*node.nomSize*node.nomSize / 6.0); //simple 1D approx
    var _2xSqIxExSxSxS = (2.0*Math.sqrt(_momentInertia*E*node.nomSize*node.nomSize*node.nomSize));
    return zetaCollision*_2xSqIxExSxSxS;
} //!< Returns the global material damping coefficient (rotation)

function moment(node) {
	//moments from internal bonds
	var totalMoment=new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0);
	// for (int i=0; i<6; i++){ 
	// 	if (links[i]) totalMoment += links[i]->moment(isNegative((linkDirection)i)); //total force in LCS
	// }
	totalMoment = RotateVec3D(node.orient,totalMoment);
	totalMoment.add(new THREE.Vector3(node.moment.x,node.moment.y,node.moment.z));

	//other moments
	// if (externalExists()) totalMoment += external()->moment(); //external moments
	// totalMoment -= angularVelocity()*mat->globalDampingRotateC(); //global damping
	node.intMoment=new THREE.Vector3(0,0,0);
	return totalMoment;


//void haltMotion(){linMom = angMom = Vec3D<>(0,0,0);} //!< Halts all momentum of this block. Unless fixed the voxel will continue to move in subsequent timesteps.

function recommendedTimeStep()  {
	// //find the largest natural frequency (Math.sqrt(k/m)) that anything in the simulation will experience, then multiply by 2*pi and invert to get the optimally largest timestep that should retain stability
	// float MaxFreq2 = 0.0f; //maximum frequency in the simulation in rad/sec

	// for (std::vector<CVX_Link*>::const_iterator it=linksList.begin(); it != linksList.end(); it++){ //for each link
	// 	CVX_Link* pL = (*it);
	// 	//axial
	// 	float m1 = pL->pVNeg->mat->mass(),  m2 = pL->pVPos->mat->mass();
	// 	float thisMaxFreq2 = pL->axialStiffness()/(m1<m2?m1:m2);
	// 	if (thisMaxFreq2 > MaxFreq2) MaxFreq2 = thisMaxFreq2;

	// 	//rotational will always be less than or equal
	// }

	// if (MaxFreq2 <= 0.0f){ //didn't find anything (i.e no links) check for individual voxelss
	// 	for (std::vector<CVX_Voxel*>::const_iterator it=voxelsList.begin(); it != voxelsList.end(); it++){ //for each link
	// 		float thisMaxFreq2 = (*it)->mat->youngsModulus()*(*it)->mat->nomSize/(*it)->mat->mass(); 
	// 		if (thisMaxFreq2 > MaxFreq2) MaxFreq2 = thisMaxFreq2;
	// 	}
	// }
	// if (MaxFreq2 <= 0.0f) return 0.0f;
	// else return 1.0f/(6.283185f*sqrt(MaxFreq2)); //the optimal timestep is to advance one radian of the highest natural frequency

function isXyzIndependent()  {return nu==0.0;} //!< Returns true if poisson's ratio is zero - i.e. deformations in each dimension are independent of those in other dimensions.

function isFailed(edge) {
	// return mat->isFailed(maxStrain);

// function isLocalVelocityValid()  {return boolStates & LOCAL_VELOCITY_VALID ? true : false;} //

// function dampingMultiplier() {return 2*mat->_sqrtMass*mat->zetaInternal/previousDt;} //!< Returns the damping multiplier for this voxel. This would normally be called only internally for the internal damping calculations.

// function setBoolState(linkFlags flag, bool set=true) {set ? boolStates |= (int)flag : boolStates &= ~(int)flag;}

// function setFixedAll(bool fixed=true) {fixed?setDisplacementAll():clearDisplacementAll();} //!< Sets all 6 degrees of freedom to either fixed or free depending on the value of fixed. Either way, sets all displacements to zero. @param[in] fixed Whether all degrees of freedom should be fixed (true) or free (false).

// function setDisplacement(dofComponent dof, double displacement=0.0); //!< Fixes the specified degree of freedom and applies the prescribed displacement if specified. @param[in] dof the degree of freedom in question. @param[in] displacement The displacement in meters (translational dofs) or radians (rotational dofs) to apply. Large fixed displacements may cause instability.
// function setDisplacementAll(const Vec3D<double>& translation = Vec3D<double>(0,0,0), const Vec3D<double>& rotation = Vec3D<double>(0,0,0)); //!< Fixes the all degrees of freedom and applies the specified translation and rotation. @param[in] translation The translation in meters from this voxel's nominal position to fix it at. @param[in] rotation The rotation (in the form of a rotation vector) from this voxel's nominal orientation to fix it at.

function transverseStrainSum(axis){
	// if (mat->poissonsRatio() == 0) return 0;
	// Vec3D<float> psVec = poissonsStrain();

	// switch (axis){
	// case CVX_Link::X_AXIS: return psVec.y+psVec.z;
	// case CVX_Link::Y_AXIS: return psVec.x+psVec.z;
	// case CVX_Link::Z_AXIS: return psVec.x+psVec.y;
	// default: return 0.0f;
	// }


function transverseStrainSum(axis){
	// if (mat->poissonsRatio() == 0) return 0;
	// Vec3D<float> psVec = poissonsStrain();

	// switch (axis){
	// case CVX_Link::X_AXIS: return psVec.y+psVec.z;
	// case CVX_Link::Y_AXIS: return psVec.x+psVec.z;
	// case CVX_Link::Z_AXIS: return psVec.x+psVec.y;
	// default: return 0.0f;
	// }


function poissonsStrain(node){
	// if (poissonsStrainInvalid){
	// 	pStrain = strain(true);
	// 	poissonsStrainInvalid = false;
	// }
	// return pStrain;

function strain( poissonsStrain) {
	//if no connections in the positive and negative directions of a particular axis, strain is zero
	//if one connection in positive or negative direction of a particular axis, strain is that strain - ?? and force or constraint?
	//if connections in both the positive and negative directions of a particular axis, strain is the average. 
	// Vec3D<float> intStrRet(0,0,0); //intermediate strain return value. axes according to linkAxis enum
	// int numBondAxis[3] = {0}; //number of bonds in this axis (0,1,2). axes according to linkAxis enum
	// bool tension[3] = {false};
	// for (int i=0; i<6; i++){ //cycle through link directions
	// 	if (links[i]){
	// 		int axis = toAxis((linkDirection)i);
	// 		intStrRet[axis] += links[i]->axialStrain(isNegative((linkDirection)i));
	// 		numBondAxis[axis]++;
	// 	}
	// }
	// for (int i=0; i<3; i++){ //cycle through axes
	// 	if (numBondAxis[i]==2) intStrRet[i] *= 0.5f; //average
	// 	if (poissonsStrain){
	// 		tension[i] = ((numBondAxis[i]==2) || (ext && (numBondAxis[i]==1 && (ext->isFixed((dofComponent)(1<<i)) || ext->force()[i] != 0)))); //if both sides pulling, or just one side and a fixed or forced voxel...
	// 	}

	// }

	// if (poissonsStrain){
	// 	if (!(tension[0] && tension[1] && tension[2])){ //if at least one isn't in tension
	// 		float add = 0;
	// 		for (int i=0; i<3; i++) if (tension[i]) add+=intStrRet[i];
	// 		float value = pow( 1.0f + add, -mat->poissonsRatio()) - 1.0f;
	// 		for (int i=0; i<3; i++) if (!tension[i]) intStrRet[i]=value;
	// 	}
	// }

	// return intStrRet;